A Bene Placito?

A Bene Placito is a Latin phrase that can be roughly translated as 'at one's pleasure.' More importantly, it's a less commonly used synonym for ad libitum, or ad lib. Most of these theories come from the fact that I say something incredibly stupid, and then try to cover it up by a presenting an argument that at least sounds vaguely, marginally reasonably. I ad lib, prevaricate, and outright make stuff up. Hence, a bene placito.


"The process of transforming important parapolitical topics into light-hearted spectacle comes as part of the overall conspiracy of the media conglomerates to trivialize them- as any good conspiracy theoriest would point out."
~Kenn Thomas
Introduction to The Little Book of Conspiracy Theories by Joel Levy

"Count Hermann Keyserling once said truly that the greatest American superstition was belief in facts."
~John Gunther

"There's a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line."
~Oscar Levant

Extra Life

On October 17th, I'll be participating in Sarcastic Gamer's Extra Life Marathon. From 8 AM Saturday to 8 AM Sunday, I'll be playing video games in order to raise money to help children with cancer at the Texas Children's Hospital. I'm looking for sponsors to help out.

If you want to know more about what Extra Life is, click on the link to check out their homepage.

If you're interested in donating, please click here to go to my page. They accept PayPal and credit cards. Any little bit helps!
